District Insurance Coverage

The District is insured through the Colorado Special Districts Property and Liability Pool (CSDPL Pool). The CSDP Pool is a self-insurance fund in which over 1,100 special districts across Colorado participate. McGriff, Seibels and Williams, Inc. is the administrator of the self-insurance fund and operates under the direction of CSDP Pool's 9-member Board of Directors.

Go to the CSDPL Pool's website (click HERE) to learn more about the benefits your District enjoys from participating in the CSDPL Pool.

Generally, the District's insurance policy covers property and liability risks related to the following:                         
  • Board member actions
  • District-sponsored events
  • District-owned real and personal property

A copy of the District's annual insurance certificate and property and liability coverage limits is available for review in the District's Document Library.


Insurance Coverage Limitations

The District's policy coverage does not extend to homeowners' individual lots, City-owned assets (e.g. streets and sidewalks), public utility lines (e.g. sewer, electric, water, cable, phone) or the activities and assets of the Buffalo Run Mesa HOA.

Colorado Governmental Immunity Act

The District is subject to certain liability protections provided under the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act (title 24 of the Colorado Revised Statutes). Click HERE for a summary of the Act.